Live Launch Party with HeatherAsh Amara!
Co-Hosted by Unity Santa Fe and The Ark
1212 Unity Way
Santa Fe, NM 87506
Date: Friday, October 4th
Time: 6-8 pm
Join best-selling author HeatherAsh Amara for this dynamic exploration of her latest book: Wild, Willing, and Wise: An Interactive Guide for When to Paddle, When to Rest, and When to Jump Naked into the River of Life.
Ticket Options:
$50 one book + two tickets
$20 one ticket (no book provided)
Whether we realize it or not, our lives are a constant cycle through three energies: the creativity and abundance of Wild, the courage and power of Willing, and the gratitude and surrender of Wise. HeatherAsh will walk us through descriptions of the three archetypes, so we can learn how each presents in excess and deficiency. During this talk, we will begin to explore how to bring the three energies into balance in order to find inner freedom and alignment. This evening is an invitation into an ongoing journey. Join HeatherAsh Amara as we explore how to become fiercely engaged, wildly creative, unfailingly experimental, wonderfully confused, seriously delighted, and compassionately vulnerable.