USFe History
Unity Santa Fe, founded by Rev. Jean Beggs in 1974 as a study group, was incorporated as a church on October 11, 1977, and became a member of the Association of Unity Churches International, now Unity Worldwide Ministries, in 1978. Rev. Jean was the minister for ten years. Over the next twenty years Unity Santa Fe was “the church on wheels” in numerous locations served by a number of ministers. During this time attendance at our Sunday services waxed and waned between 25 and 70 people. When the church moved or a minister left, attendance dropped.
- Rev. Jean Beggs (1974 - 1986)
- Rev. Charlotte Prossen (1986 - 1989)
- Rev. Alana Woods (1989 - 1991)
- Rev. Paul James Tenaglia (1991 - 1993)
- Revs. Eileen Douglas & Richard Talley (1993 - 1994)
- Rev. Brendalyn Batchelor (1994 - 2021)
- Rev. Aliza Bloom Robinson - Transitional Consultant & Interim Minister (June - December 2021)
- Rev. Liz Luoma (December 1, 2021 - present)
Rev. Liz Luoma joined Unity Santa Fe in December of 2021 as a dynamic speaker, teacher and licensed, ordained Center for Spiritual Living minister. She completed her Unity Special Dispensation program on July 10th, 2022 to become an ordained Unity Minister.Rev. Liz is a master communicator and presenter whose mission and passion in life is to help people awaken to the Truth of Who they are as Spiritual Beings and to provide the tools necessary to live with more Love, Peace, Joy, Harmony and Freedom in all areas of their lives. She is passionate and highly skilled in leading workshops and teaching classes using Universal Life principles, love, humor and practical application steps.
Building Transformation
The La Cuchara Market at 1108 La Cuchara Road (now 1212 Unity Way) kept showing up as the most feasible option. After three rounds of deciding “no,” we received a most generous donation that made it possible to say “yes”! Yes -- to this Middle Eastern grocery store and delicatessen that was designed to look like a northern New Mexico church. In the CommUnity Room is a painting of the original building by renowned artist Jean-Claude Gaugy who drew the sketch of the painting while sitting on a bail of hay in the parking lot during the renovation.
After a unanimous vote at our membership meeting we began negotiating the purchase of the building and, with awe-inspiring miracles continuing to unfold, we closed escrow on our new home on October 30, 1998.
Over the next nine months of labor (which we called “sweat equity”) we finished the renovation and transformation of the building and celebrated the “birth” of the church of our dreams. The first service on Sunday, May 15, 1999, was an incredibly joyful occasion with a full house! (Seating capacity of the sanctuary is 150).
Construction of a building addition, including the bell tower, book store, classrooms, restroom, and expanded minister’s office (from 8’ x 9’ to 12’ x 12’), was completed in June 2002. We purchased an acre lot across the road from the church on March 3, 2003, which we have since sold to our beloved tenant - The Journey Montessori School, on January 31, 2018.
All who have served and attended over the years brought this church home into physical reality as a result of first building the church of our dreams in consciousness. We know that as we continue to build this consciousness . . . they will continue to come!