December's Prayer Column - "December is the Season"🙏🏽

Unity Santa Fe Prayer Column for December 2024

“December is the season of the coming of the Christ Light and Love.”

Carnelian Sage in her book, “The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World” states: “Love is the catalyst by which all good things happen…Bring the power of love to your pursuits and to all people, relationships, resources and events associated with your pursuits. The outcome…will be infinitely better than that which you desired.” It maybe hard to hold onto that feeling in our world today. I offer these steps from Carnelian’s book toChrist Light hold this Prayer of Love for the World.

Breathe deeply 3 or 4 times while saying “I am the full expression of Christ’s love. Just as Christ Spirit is love, so am I. I am Love. (Use the name of the Divine that communicates to you so you can feel the Love.)

Hold in mind the image of someone you love, a child, spouse, or friend. Imagine holding them, saying, “I love you”. Feel the presence of that love in your entire being.

Next say, “I feel love.” “I feel God, Divine Love.” Then say, “Thank you.” Feeling appreciation wash over you.Imagine this feeling of love radiating as a sphere from you to encompass all people, the world, the universe. See that love touching everyone and everything. Repeat this process anytime this season when you feel disconnected from Love, Peace, and Tranquility.

“There is no mistaking love. You feel it in your heart. It is the common fiber of life.” Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Kristine Baker
Unity Santa Fe Prayer Practitioner

Prayer Practitioners Available Every Sunday and During the Week

Every Sunday, after service, you have the opportunity to pray with a Unity Prayer Practitioner in the Sanctuary or youth classroom. 

You can also request to have a Prayer Practitioner call you once a month or during the week for a Private Prayer Call.