February's Care & Share - "Keep It Clean!" 🧽

Our Social Action Team is sponsoring a service opportunity here at Unity Santa Fe, called Care and Share, as a way of blessing others in our local Santa Fe community.

By talking with local social service organizations, we've learned what some of the greatest needs are in our community.

Each month, we are highlighting one specific need and offering the opportunity for you to donate items to fill that need.  

When people who have been unhoused are suddenly able to move into a supportive housing apartment at Santa Fe Suites, they often arrive with nothing but the clothes on their backs.  We can help them set up housekeeping when they haven't had a house before.  


•    Cleanser
•    Sponges
•    Mops

•    Brooms
•    Dish Detergent (not dishwasher detergent)
•    Spray cleaners
•    Glass Cleaner

•    Laundry Detergent

And the like.  All Items Must Be New!

Santa Fe Suites - in a creative response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the city of Santa Fe partnered with Community Solutions to purchase a hotel to provide more than 120 people a safe place to live, while accelerating the city’s efforts to end homelessness in the process. 

Leveraging federal funding, the city of Santa Fe pioneered an innovative way to repurpose a struggling hotel to meet the needs of the community — and help address a housing shortage. This extended stay residence is currently providing its tenants, many of whom are housing-insecure, access to critical social services and community services, such as a grocery store, pharmacy, and public transportation.

This project could serve as a new model for more affordable housing projects for other communities across the country.

Community Solutions works to create a lasting end to homelessness that leaves no one behind. They envision a more equitable society where homelessness is never inevitable, inescapable, or a way of life.

Bring your donations to church on Sundays! 


Care & Share is brought to you by our Community Action Team.

THANK YOU for your ongoing generosity!

For more info email: communications@unitysantafe.org