Our Social Action Team is sponsoring a service opportunity here at Unity Santa Fe, called Care and Share, as a way of blessing others in our local Santa Fe community.
By talking with local social service organizations, we've learned what some of the greatest needs are in our community.
Each month, we are highlighting one specific need and offering the opportunity for you to donate items to fill that need.ย ย
People without homes do a lot of walking because they have to keep moving, so they wear out their shoes quickly. ย For the month of January, the Community Action Team's Care & Share drive is collecting SHOES and BOOTS of any kind or size. ย Men's shoes will go to St. Elizabeth's men's shelter, while women's and children's footwear will go to Casa Familia. ย At both of these shelters, donated items are not only given to those staying with them, but to anyone who comes to the door.
- Shoes (Any Size)
- Boots (Any Size)
Bring your donations to church on Sundays!ย
THANK YOU for your generosity and love for our neighbors!
For more info email: communications@unitysantafe.org