September's Prayer Column: Silent Prayer ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

Unity Santa Fe Prayer Column for Septemberย Hands Folded in Prayer2024

When you pray either by yourself or with another person, do you ever feel at a loss for words? Sometimes there is a situation in my life that is so emotionally overwhelming it seems impossible to articulate. I know I want and need the comfort and wisdom that comes from affirmative prayer. And yet, the words donโ€™t seem to come, or they feel inadequate.

At times like this, it may be more effective to release the need for words and simply sit in the silence. I bring myself fully into the Presence and trust the Divine energy that lives and dwells and has its Being within me. It understands the fears and sorrows of the human heart and fully supports the feelings that arise from them. It holds me as I fully acknowledge and experience these feelings. It waits lovingly until I am able to turn within to my true nature, my own Divinity, and simply allow myself to enter into a place of calm acceptance and humble surrender.

Now I can allow it to gently guide me to my greatest, highest good in
whatever way that may manifest in this situation. I let my mind be still and
simply listen knowing that whatever intention I brought into my silent prayer is being fulfilled in keeping with Divine Order. I willingly embrace the outcome whether it looks or feels like the resolution I may have anticipated or hoped for. I have Faith in the greater Wisdom of my Divine self and allow myself to โ€œlet it beโ€ with gratitude.

Catherine Donovan
Unity Santa Fe Prayer Practitioner

Prayer Practitioners Availableย Every Sunday and During the Week

Every Sunday, after service, you have the opportunity to pray with a Unity Prayer Practitioner in the Sanctuary or youth classroom.ย 

You can also request to have a Prayer Practitioner call you once a monthย or during the week for a Private Prayer Call.