August's Earth Care Action Tips 🌎

Unity Santa Fe 
Earth Care Green Team

Beautiful River / Nature
Our consciousness reveals that all of creation is connected as one. The story of creation reveals that we are to be good caregivers of the creation. As a people of faith, we commit to a renewed reverence for life and respect for the interdependent web of all existence.

We honor a world in which everything has intrinsic value and where all beings are assured a secure and meaningful life that is ecologically responsible and sustainable.

We agree to transform our individual and congregational lives into acts of moral witness, discarding harmful habits for new behaviors, sustaining the future of the planet for all creation while demonstrating our respect for this harmony and interconnectedness.

Unity Santa Fe's
Earth Care Action Tips for August:

"The goal of zero waste is to create a sustainable system wherein everything that we create goes back into the earth to nourish it, thereby creating no waste." From the book "How To Go (Almost) Zero Waste" Rebecca Grace Andrews, MA, MS:

1.  Purchase Reusable Water Bottles:  By purchasing a reusable water bottle, you reduce the 315 plastic beverage bottles used annually per person in the United States- more than 100 billion tons bottles total!

2.  Buy Loose Instead of Of Packaged: Choose produce that's not wrapped in plastic, in bags, or on Styrofoam trays. Instead of putting your produce in plastic bags, purchase with no bag or ones made of reusable cotton. 

3.  Buy reusable straws: Go for metal or bamboo. With reusable straws, you reduce the 500 million used daily in the U.S. contributing to the 800 billion pounds of plastic waste in our oceans.

4.  Do away with plastic trash bags: Buy compostable bags

5.  BYO to replace disposables when dining out: Keep reusable silverware, a water bottle and/or coffee mug, and food containers in a bag inside your vehicle, which you can bring in and use when taking home leftovers.          

Tips for Work

  • Instead of printing hard copies, save them to your hard drive or email them to yourself to save paper.
  • Printer environmentally friendly. Change your printer settings to make double-sided pages. Use small point fonts and use the “fast draft" setting  to save ink.
  • Pay bills via e-billing programs to save paper.
  • Use paperclips (over staples) when possible.

Green Purchasing at Work

  • Purchase recycled paper and keep a recycling bin nearby your desk.
  • For information on how to buy more recycled-content products for your office, see EPA’s Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines.
  • Buy energy efficient items with the ENERGY STAR ® logo or items that are EPEAT registered for the office

Know that every little thing we do (together) makes a bigger difference than we might realize. Mother Earth thanks you for taking care of Her.