August's Care & Share - "The New School Year is Coming" 📓

Our Social Action Team is sponsoring a service opportunity here at Unity Santa Fe, called Care and Share, as a way of blessing others in our local Santa Fe community.

By talking with local social service organizations, we've learned what some of the greatest needs are in our community.

Each month, we are highlighting one specific need and offering the opportunity for you to donate items to fill that need.  

For the month of August, our Care & Share drive will be collecting school supplies for Adelante, a program of the Santa Fe Public Schools that supports homeless students.  Any school supplies will be accepted, but they are especially in the need of the following:


•    Thin point markers
•    Watercolor paints
•    Pre-K or Kinder composition book

The Santa Fe Public Schools (SFPS) Adelante Program strengthens opportunities for the academic achievement and life success of Santa Fe children and youth who are experiencing homelessness or housing instability.

Founded in 2003 as a school entity and community organization, Adelante annually identifies and supports approximately 1,100 youth experiencing homelessness, as defined by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Adelante team members work to address families’ needs with culturally competent, effective, bilingual services. Research shows completing high school is a large factor in reducing homelessness and poverty rates; therefore, the Adelante team works to support students’ immediate academic, medical, social service, and housing needs, while simultaneously focusing on their long-term educational trajectories.

The SFPS Adelante Program plays a crucial role in educating the community about child homelessness, and advocates for families’ needs with school staff, human service agencies, and the community at large. Adelante provides leadership in promoting local and national policies toward ending child homelessness.

Bring your donations to church on Sundays! 

Care & Share is brought to you by your Community Action Team.  A huge THANK YOU for your generosity!

For more info email: