Prayer is Love in Action 💌

by Prayer Practitioner Catherine Donovan

Unity Santa Fe Prayer Column for February 2024

February is the month of Valentine’s Day, known in modern times as a celebration of romantic love. We know, of course, that love comes in myriad forms: the love of a parent for a child; the love between close friends; the love of a concept such as country or justice; the deep affection felt for animal companions; and on and on.Tatted guy praying

We often toss the word “love” around casually. “I love chocolate” means I really enjoy the taste, texture, and endorphin rush I get from this substance. Saying “I love this or that” is a stamp of approval, an indicator of enthusiasm, a measure of pleasure beyond “like.” The deeper, more significant feeling of love leads us to action. “I love my family” brings me to care for a nurture my closest loved ones and often put their needs before my own. “I love my community” leads me to offer service, support it financially, share activities, and, above all, pray together.

I experience prayer for and with others as Love In Action. Prayer is not a passive activity, but a vital form of active engagement. You don’t need any special training to pray in service to others, to hold them in the light of truth, to send healing energy through prayer, and to radiate Divine Love and Light wherever it may uplift another. Affirmative prayer is dynamic and powerful and a beautifully simple way to put Love into Action every day.

Love and blessings to each of you,

Catherine Donavon
Unity Santa Fe Prayer Practitioner

Prayer Practitioners Available Every Sunday and During the Week

Every Sunday, after service, you have the opportunity to pray with a Unity Prayer Practitioner in the Sanctuary or youth classroom. 

You can also request to have a Prayer Practitioner call you once a month or during the week for a Private Prayer Call.