Unity Santa Fe Annual Congregational Survey

The Unity Santa Fe Board of Trustees would like your feedback and thoughts on all we do and offer at Unity Santa Fe. Our goal is to strengthen, energize and grow our community to fulfill our mission:

To Raise Consciousness, Transform Lives, and Heal the Planet, one person at a time beginning with YOU!

Your responses are very important to us in our Mission and will be anonymous.

Please complete the following survey keeping in mind all aspects of our activities:

• Sunday Service    • Guest Speakers     • Message/Talks     • Events     • Music     • Small Groups     • Classes

Do you leave services feeling spiritually fed?
Personal Information
Are you a member of Unity Santa Fe?
Former Member?
Do you attend regularly?
If Yes, do you attend:
How often?
Please include your contact information if you would like a follow-up call after completing the survey.