Prosperity in Action 2025

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Dear Members and Friends,

During our Fall Adventures in Faith Program, we have the opportunity to put our “Prosperity in Action” by making a financial commitment to support our wonderful Unity Santa Fe community in the year ahead. Your generosity fills our hearts with awe and gratitude, as we witness the many ways you give AS Source to Unity Santa Fe. 

Our Prosperity Plan for 2025 is $226,000 for services, people, programs, and operations. Our annual Operations Pledge Drive guides the Board of Trustees in formulating our yearly budget.  Your Board of Trustees has stepped out in faith and set a goal of $135,000 pledged by December 31, 2024, to support our 2025 Prosperity Plan. We know we are blessed with the remainder of our Prosperity Plan typically being met by members and friends who do not choose to formally pledge.

Your Board of Trustees has made their individual pledges. I invite you to prayerfully consider what your pledge will be by:
1.    Turning within
2.    Asking Spirit for Its vision of what your pledge will be
3.    Giving thanks in advance for the willingness and the honor to give generously in gratitude for the abundance you receive from the world, from your awareness of your Divine inheritance, and from Unity Santa Fe.

Please know that no matter the way in which you give of your time, talent and treasures, you are making a positive difference 
in the lives of everyone who is touched by the programs and services we offer at Unity Santa Fe.  Who you are is wonderful, and what you do is important! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your continued love for, and support of, our Interspiritual community.

Much Love and Many Blessings,
Rev. Liz & Your Unity Santa Fe Board of Trustees